Bios Waterproof Digital Pocket Thermometer -40° to 450° F
ITEM#: DT131
Product Overview
- Min/max memory
- Response time: 5 seconds with 2 second update
- Calibratable
- Temperature range -40ºC to 232ºC (-40ºF to 450ºF)
bio, wat, wate, water, waterp, waterpr, waterpro, waterproo, dig, digi, digit, digita, poc, pock, pocke, the, ther, therm, thermo, thermom, thermome, thermomet, thermomete, -40
Retail Price:
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Product Overview
- Min/max memory
- Response time: 5 seconds with 2 second update
- Calibratable
- Temperature range -40ºC to 232ºC (-40ºF to 450ºF)
bio, wat, wate, water, waterp, waterpr, waterpro, waterproo, dig, digi, digit, digita, poc, pock, pocke, the, ther, therm, thermo, thermom, thermome, thermomet, thermomete, -40