Turbovac 59008 Heavy Duty Vac Pack Machine with 16.5" Seal Bar
ITEM#: OM59008
Product Overview
Turbovac 59008 Heavy Duty Vac Pack Machine is Redefining The Benchmark For Vacuum Packaging Machines
Turbovac offers a full range of vacuum packaging machines: reliable, robust, and easy to service and maintain. Recently redesigned its complete range of vacuum packaging machines and made them even easier to operate and clean. The full range of machines and available options makes it easy to select exactly the right solution for your packaging needs.
All models have hygienic easy-to-clean vacuum chambers and easily removable seal beams and silicon bars. An intuitive digital control unit can automatically detect the optimum vacuum level for each product. And for products with a high moisture content, the control unit retains exactly the right amount of moisture. This improves the tenderness and flavour of the products. With an ingenious redesign focusing on functionality, Turbovac is now setting the standard for quality and design in the industry.
New Digital Control Unit with LCD Display: The professional machines are standard equipped with a digital LCD control unit with 10 programs.
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Product Overview
Turbovac 59008 Heavy Duty Vac Pack Machine is Redefining The Benchmark For Vacuum Packaging Machines
Turbovac offers a full range of vacuum packaging machines: reliable, robust, and easy to service and maintain. Recently redesigned its complete range of vacuum packaging machines and made them even easier to operate and clean. The full range of machines and available options makes it easy to select exactly the right solution for your packaging needs.
All models have hygienic easy-to-clean vacuum chambers and easily removable seal beams and silicon bars. An intuitive digital control unit can automatically detect the optimum vacuum level for each product. And for products with a high moisture content, the control unit retains exactly the right amount of moisture. This improves the tenderness and flavour of the products. With an ingenious redesign focusing on functionality, Turbovac is now setting the standard for quality and design in the industry.
New Digital Control Unit with LCD Display: The professional machines are standard equipped with a digital LCD control unit with 10 programs.