Taylor Waterproof Compact Pocket Thermometer, Blue, -40° to 450°F
ITEM#: 9877FDA
Product Overview
tay, tayl, taylo, wat, wate, water, waterp, waterpr, waterpro, waterproo, com, comp, compa, compac, poc, pock, pocke, the, ther, therm, thermo, thermom, thermome, thermomet, thermomete, thermometer, blu, blue, -40, 450°
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Product Overview
tay, tayl, taylo, wat, wate, water, waterp, waterpr, waterpro, waterproo, com, comp, compa, compac, poc, pock, pocke, the, ther, therm, thermo, thermom, thermome, thermomet, thermomete, thermometer, blu, blue, -40, 450°