Winco Fridge & Freezer Thermometer -20° to 70° F
ITEM#: NT108
Product Overview
Dual temperature display (C and F). Wide temperature range -20° to 80° F and -28° to 26° C. Clean with a damp cloth. DO NOT use the thermometer over the operating temperature range. DO NOT subject the unit to extreme temperature change.
win, winc, fri, frid, fridg, fre, free, freez, freeze, the, ther, therm, thermo, thermom, thermome, thermomet, thermomete, -20
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Product Overview
Dual temperature display (C and F). Wide temperature range -20° to 80° F and -28° to 26° C. Clean with a damp cloth. DO NOT use the thermometer over the operating temperature range. DO NOT subject the unit to extreme temperature change.
win, winc, fri, frid, fridg, fre, free, freez, freeze, the, ther, therm, thermo, thermom, thermome, thermomet, thermomete, -20